Call it a clan, call it a network, call it a tribe, call it a family. Whatever you call it, whoever you are, you need one.

Monday, November 5, 2007

Halloween Cuties!

Kozy Kuny's

Wild Williams's

Hair Raising Herrings

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Lataun N' Family

Dear Family,

It’s been a joy for the last 3 weeks babysitting my wife. Heeding to her every request. Can’t wait until the next time I get to do that. I’m currently slaving over the stove preparing dinner for my family while she sits in front of the TV watching Oprah reruns. It’s been 3 weeks, but the recovery process is 2 to 4 months. Hopefully by Christmas she’ll be able to prepare a meal for me.

I just got home from the grocery store buying groceries and saw Sicilee’s, I mean Lataun’s, Halloween poster. She was the winner of a contest, 25 free tickets to the carnival.

I spent all fall being a slave to soccer. Sicilee had games on Wednesday and Friday. Haddi had games on Tuesday and Saturday. I had to call some of my friends to see what kind of a commitment level I had support soccer. I don’t think I’ll be able to live up to the standards set by my mom and dad. Sicilee’s team won the championship and Haddi won the award for having the cutest pig tails at each game.

Well, Chad started this newsletter but never finished so I guess I’ll wrap it up. I’m cutting and pasting a portion from my skidmore newsletter to the Williams. Sorry, I know it’s not as entertaining as your brother’s side of things.

We have had an eventful fall season. Not a pleasant one, but eventful none the less. I had surgery on my sinuses a couple of weeks ago. I hope that the second time is a charm. After suffering for a few months, we went to my doctor hoping to convince him to let me be on steroids, the miracle drug. But with look, he told me that surgery was inevitable. I had a CT Scan and that confirmed his findings. So we scheduled it soon so that Chad could baby-sit me during his week off of school for Fall Break. I am still recovering and trying to be patient because it is a long recovery. I knew this after the first surgery and was not looking forward to another go of it. My mom and Chad’s mom have both been great help. My mom came and stayed for a week and we had a good time. I wish she could just come live with me more often. She helped me get Mia’s stocking finished and some other projects that have been staring me in the face for the last year or so.

We loved our Labor Day weekend. That was the highlight of the Fall Season in a good way. I don’t know if any of you know how terrified I am of bears. But I am. I’m TERRIFIED! I don’t really enjoy the great outdoors for that reason. WHAT IF? What if I came face to face with a bear and it attacked me? We went to Leigh Lake in Grand Teton National Park with Faren and Avery, Val and Megan, and Mom and Dad. My girls and Mom and Dad and I went to check out this waterfall that we could hear. We came around the corner on the bank and THERE WAS A BEAR! A GRIZZLY BEAR!!!!!! My legs turned to jello, my heart was racing! The kids were all in front of us and we got their attention and pointed and they saw that bear and came running. They fell down a little and Indee was crying, she couldn’t stop. It was crazy! We did live through it. I don’t know how we survived but we did. (The bear didn’t even look up, he could have cared less that we were there) We canoed, hiked, floated the river, went down the slide at Darby Canyon, climbed flagpoles, and my favorite…played Scatergories. We heard elk bugling (sp?), saw a huge bull moose on the river bank as we passed, saw a baby bear (another one) in the campground, and had a great time.

Thanks to everyone for thinking of me and helping me out. Melissa you are a life saver for taking a one year old who is still nursing and hasn’t spent much time away from her mother. I hope she was good for you and you didn’t feel too used and abused. I had no one else to ask but I knew I could count on you and I appreciate it. Jan, you have saved my sanity by coming up and spending a few days. Thanks for making my life a lot less hectic. I hope I can repay you sometime.

Can’t wait to read your letters. We love you all. Lataun and family

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Birthday Girl

I am thirty! I heard that in your thirties you can be saucy! So I guess I will start acting saucy or maybe I will just start acting MORE saucy! Good Luck to Eric on that one. I think I may have just had my best birthday so thanks for all the nice things that were said about me. And you know Chad, Eric only asked for like two nice things you didn't need to submit all thirty on your own. You know the birthday is going to be pretty good when your husband gets up early to make you breakfast and the five year old starts out with, "What do you need Birthday Girl?" Waklee didn't refer to me as Mom at all that day, just "The Birthday Girl". Once again thank you to everyone. And yes it is official I am a control freak! Eric had quite a bit of planning going on for my birthday and if you want to keep something a secret never tell Eric. Waklee did a better job of keeping things on the down low than he did. But Eric started getting me worried that he was going to throw a big birthday party. Now if you don't know this about me...I hate birthday parties. I just don't like having to go to a party and hang out with people that you really don't want to be hanging out with. I mean if I want to hang out I will call you. (Whose daughter do I sound like????) So Eric has me going that there is going to be a party and I seriously every night was almost in tears. So finally on Saturday, my birthday, I freaked out and made Eric tell me how many people were coming to my party, just so I could relax. I am such a bum because I ruined the surprise and felt bad about that. But there were some fun surprises I didn't know about like 30 roses and the nice thoughts and some fun gifts. What have we been up to?

We did host the Elder's for General Conference. Now when the Elder's ask if they can come over for conference does that mean one session or all four? No, we had a great time. After watching them sleep through most of it; the final session I told them that if anyone was found asleep Waklee would squirt them with her gun. It was pretty funny but we didn't listen so well cause we were all laughing so hard. We love the Elders and were glad they like to come to our humble little apartment to hang out. Oh and yes Halloween is almost here! I can't wait. Please know that pictures from Halloween better be arriving to my email within days so I can post on the blog. Reese is going to be the cutest little lion you ever saw and Reese is a lamb. Get it.......a lion and a lamb. Fun Fun.

I had to post this pix of Rees'e cute hand-me-down from Melissa and I am not sure why Waklee is sporting so much attitude in this pix.

Hope you are all doing well and I am jealous of those getting to go and visit Grandpa in Texas.

And Happy Birthday to Robbi, Dad, Chad coming up and Happy Anniversary to Lex and Melissa!

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Herring Family

It seems like these newsletters are coming around way too quick. You guys must think a lot happens around here.

Let's start with youngest first. Jack Henry will be 8 months old on the 27th. He's growing like a weed. His favorite thing is to play catch and after he throws the ball he likes to clap for himself (we like to start them early) he isn't quite crawling but he likes to roll and scoot to his destination. I'm afraid I'm in big trouble once he starts crawling, this kid wants to go go go. He loves when I put him in the jogger to go anywhere.

Joshua has 2 soccer games left. John has been his assistant coach this year so that has been fun for both of them. Josh is loving 1st grade and of course his favorite part is lunch and recess. Go figure! He's quite the kid. The other day I asked him to quit doing something 2 times and on the 3rd time I said "Josh, which part of don't do that aren't you getting?" he said, "I know mom, I'm just now starting to get it." I also told him he needed to get ready for soccer or he was going to be late. He said, "mom, I need water, quick go get it for me, hurry up lady." I'm still uncertain at this point who he was referring to. :) He's our little comedian. He turned 7 in September and we had a little birthday party for him with his friends. He thought he was the coolest kid ever. Kimbri just finished competing in her jumper shows. She had her best show of the year. She will still jump in training shows all winter but this was the last official UHJA show. I was so proud of how well she did and very excited that she didn't eat dirt. She has fallen off quite a bit this year. At one of her training clinics she lost her balance over the jump, fell off and Ivy stepped on both her thighs. Her legs got so black and blue. She would get mad every time I pulled out the camera. I just couldn't believe how nasty they looked, I had to take pictures. Fortunately she was back up and riding within about a week and a half. She's a trooper, we were just glad nothing serious happened. Kimbri is attending a pitching clinic once a week for the next 3 months. She is working on the basic fundamentals of pitching right now. It should be really good for her.
Logan's been busy with football. They have only lost 1 game in their division and lost 1 game out of their division which they classify as a cross over game. The teams are getting bigger and bigger. To give you a little perspective on what I mean by big his last game there were 4 guys on the other teams line that were huge. 3 of them were 5 ft. 11 inches tall and they weighed 185 pounds (yes they are only 12 years old). The 4th guy was bigger than that. Our line held there ground but we still ended up losing by 4. Our offense really struggled. The center kept snapping the ball over the quarter backs head. It killed us. Anyway, they have 2 games left then playoffs then championships. We have skunked everyone else other than this last team so we shouldn't have any problems at playoffs (only 4 teams play in the playoffs) and we should play in the championship game. Logan has been doing awesome in Scouts. He just had a court of honor where he was awarded around 8 badges. I don't know how he keeps up with himself, luckily he loves having a busy schedule. (I think he wishes he didn't have piano right now) He is enjoying Jr. High and keeping his straight A's thus far. He was picked as the student of the month at the Jr. High so we are very proud of him.

I'm busy being mom. Jack keeps me occupied most of the day. I've started walking every morning with my girlfriend Heather. We power walk 4.7 miles everyday except Saturday and Sunday. It's great for the body and mind and Jack sleeps the whole time which is a nice break. I'm so excited for football to be over so that we can start basketball. I'm putting together an accelerated team for Logan to play on. I'm going to head coach it and Heather is going to be my assistant. She is going to head coach Kimbri and Natasha's team and I'm going to assist. I can't wait. I'm getting the basketball itch. Chad and Tagg I will be calling you for some play tips. I want some good plays to use, they play by high school rules. I haven't started playing basketball myself, I had to quit running because my back has started bothering me again so I resort to walking until I can strengthen it again. What a pain. That about covers the excitement for me.

John has been traveling out East to visit his mom and to work our Xango business. He's headed to Oregon for a big Women's Health Expo. It will be a suicide drive over with Tom, 3 crazy days at the expo all day long and a suicide drive back because we have our Xango National Convention coming to town so John's sister and one of our friends from Ireland will be staying with us. It'll be a crazy 2 weeks for John. Besides working at the golf course, golfing, coaching Josh's team and Xango he's keeping busy.

The kids are excited for Halloween. I know you are all Halloween fanatics and I really don't care for the holiday but my kids get excited. Josh is going to be the hulk and Kimbri a clown. Logan doesn't go trick-or-treating anymore but he said he would take Jack. I think he wants the candy. Anyway, Trick or Treat to all of you! We look forward to seeing everyone over the holidays.

Nerdaball and Cute Wife

Well the newsletter is here and we have tons of news. We actually have had so much occur in the last weeks that we have decided to skip this newsletter due to the fact that I don’t really want to type it all. So everyone have a great month and we will keep in touch….

Ok seriously I will apologized before hand about this newsletter because I am currently suffering from writers block so If it doesn’t make sense or is really boring now you know why.

Darci has just started a new job working at the Salon and is enjoying it very much. She has been bringing home pretty good tips and I like that because for those of you who know I rarely have cash on me. Darci also just got promoted at her other job and goes to work form 7 to 3:30 and likes that a lot. She also gets to work from home on Thursdays which is extremely nice for her to finally be able to stay home sometimes.

I, Tagg Williams Jr. the third, am still working for XEL Electric. My boss is pretty cool you should all meet him sometime. Although, he can’t seem to stay out of trouble with the law. Something about methamphetamine with intention to sell and conspiracy to 1st degree murder. I really didn’t understand all of the charges. That is pretty much all I have been up to.

As many of you know Darc and I have been trying to procreate and to bring the next “good looking, intelligent, strong, athletic, charismatic, charming, loving, caring, found on the side of road….. Nerdaball into this world. We have been going to a doctor and trying the medical field to get pregnant. Now I wanted to be able to explain what is going on and since most of us were raised on a ranch this is what I could compare this to. They pretty much just herd us into a pen like a herd of cows. Tie up the legs and you can imagine the rest. “Darci doesn’t know I am writing this and she probably would not approve but this is pretty much what it is like.” No luck yet but we have faith that it will work and if it doesn’t I am on my way to the Bahamas. Saddle up partner!!!!

Now on a more serious matter. I know everyone right now is like, “ya whatever Tagg is full of B.S. 85 % of the time” but there is something that Darc and I would like to ask. First of all we would like to thank the entire family for having us in there prayers and in there thoughts and there worries for how we are feeling. I know that Darc and I came out and told everyone what we were doing or everyone heard somehow, “AKA Penny” that was because we were very optimistic about the procedure so we called and told everyone. Anyways I don’t want this to come out wrong but we could go through this procedure 5 or 6 more times before it works or even if it will work and so we would like to try to keep it a surprise if you know what I am trying to say. We love you all and know that you all love us but we hope you understand.

There seriousness over. I am looking forward to going down and seeing G-Jack especially since I think there will be snow around here. My birthday is coming up as is Penny’s and Chad’s but supposedly Darc has a great surprise in store for me so if anyone hears about it before me you can reach me at 208-716-1412 and give me the low down. I love this newsletter stuff because I can get info out without Darci knowing until it is too late!!!!!!

My thought: Why did I not become a Doctor or a Weatherman???

Holding Strong at Sixty Something........

Well, for having an empty nest it sure seems like we are busy all of the time. Let’s see-----what have we been doing? Dad and I went to Colorado to hook up with Becky, who was one of my best friends in high school. She and all of her brothers and sisters were all going to be home in Fairplay at the same time and I didn’t want to miss out so we headed to Colorado. First, we stayed a night at Herring’s and Logan and Gpa Jerry went golfing then we stopped in Grand Junction to see Aunt Pam and Michael and we spent the night with them and had a good visit. The next morning we stopped to see Pat, Jerry’s Mom and her sister for a couple of hours. Then we went to the Bordenville Cemetery and then we went down and were able to spend the night in the house that Gpa Jack built----that was cool but it wasn’t the same because Gpa Jack wasn’t there so it was just a nice house with a lot of memories on the ranch. I always forget what a beautiful place I was raised in. The next day we went to Hartsel to the places where Jerry was raised when he was a kid. Went to the school he attended (a one room school). Then we went to Becky’s and visited for about 3 hours----it was great to see all of them. Then we went to see Aunt Vickie and Rich and had a good visit. Tried to see Aunt Ann but she wasn’t home so we missed her.
The rest of our life has revolved around our cows and being out of feed, and high hay prices. But we finally found somewhere to move them and after all of the boys and some of the Grandkids came to help build fences the cows are looking fat and sassy again. Thanks to all of you, we think you are great!!! We know you were reminded why you all chose different professions besides ranching-----helping us once in a while is a good reminder. The rest of the time Dad and I have been searching for missing cows. Last newsletter I got the award for the best face plant in the water trying to wakeboard-----well Dad had a pretty good face plant getting bucked off his horse. He recovered okay but I am not ready to be an EMT. His horses are on probation because the next one that bucks him off is going to the sale.
Dad and I had planned to go to Texas for Gpa Jack’s 80th birthday but then we had calves in the feedlot to feed because we weaned early this year. I decided it just wasn’t right for Gpa Jack to turn 80 and me not be there so I jumped on a plane and surprised him for his 80th birthday. I may become a world traveler someday (not likely)-----I’m getting pretty brave. At least I found my way there and back.. Enjoyed visiting with Gpa Jack and of course Robbie’s good cooking. The week went by too quickly.
We love you all and pray for your health and success and are proud of the things you are accomplishing. Be seeing you over the holidays!!!! Love Gpa Jerry and Granny Janny

Sunday, August 5, 2007

The Long Awaited Letter From Tagg & Darc

Saving the best for last!!!!!
Well, we have had a good summer. (The kids have kept us very busy this year. It is just so much fun chasing them around the house, they just tucker us out so fast... )

Well, some things that we have done this summer that you may not know about is we went to Bill's Island with a bunch of friends and rented a cabin that Merrill Hoge owned. It was very fun and all BUT, the snoring that was occurring on ALL 3 floors! Also, I am very confused on what a Bede ( pronounced B-day) is used for could someone clear that up for me???? Logan perhaps? All in all we had a good time.

In the hella hot month of July (and the Saturday before the 24th), we took Sicilee and Haddi to Lagoon. We stayed at a motel 6, and the room was smaller than the one and only Brown Derby. ( for those of you who don't know what the Brown Derby is maybe you should join the rest of the family at the annual Anaconda Reunion, going on 8 years) Anyway, at the Motel 6 we crammed 9 people into the room. That means it actually only cost $4.47 a person, also known as a steal of a deal!!!!!!! So, we went to Denny's to eat that Friday night and we waited to be seated (at a Denny's???) for 25 minutes, ya I have never felt so white trash in my entire life. Then we waited another 45 minutes to get our food! (Again, at Denny's???) Saturday - we took Sic & Had to Lagoon and it was a lot of fun. We started them out on the kiddie rides and they got off of those all dissapointed because they wanted to go on the big ones and they never chickened out. (unlike their dad who stayed home)

Darci is still slaving away. She enjoys her job but it is still a job. She has been doing quite a bit of hair and bringing smiles to the women around the world, every once in a while I sneak in and get a cut also.

I have been busy with work. I do enjoy what I am doing though. I seem to have an experience with people everday that makes me laugh. For example, the other day I stopped by the gas station in Rigby to get a pop. As I am standing in line, I noticed that there was a cop in the back office looking at surveilance tapes of the gas mps. Through thorough thought and process of elimination I had come to a conclusion that someone drove off without paying for their gas. Just as I step up to pay for the pop in my hand (and not the candy bar in my pocket.....SHHH) the attendant asked the cop if he had caught the perpetrator. The cop states with a dumb look on his face, "ya, the guy had his phone number on his pickup" so without hesitation I just blurted out, "what an idiot!!! So they caught him and I was excited to tell Darci when I got hoime but I forgot. Anyways, I get in the truck with Lex the next day and he says, "Let me tell you about my day yesterday." He starts by saying how he needed to get a bid in by 3:00 for a job in Jackson and he found this out at 1:00. So, he said he hurried and stopped by the gas station to fuel up and get a drink...since he was in such a hurry, he forgot to pay for the gas. So, I look at him...laugh, and say: "So....YOU'RE THE IDOT???!!!!" And then I laughed harder. Now I am unemployed due to the fact my boss is serving his debt to society.

We had fun seeing everyone (and laughing at everyone) at the family reunion. And like everyone else, we enjoyed very much - spending time with Robbie and Grandpa. It was a great highlight to our vacation!

For the traditional words from Tagg, who do you feel bad for, the Zebra or the Cheetah?

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Kunz Tribe

I am excited! I think this blog is a lot of fun. Thanks for all the letters and pictures. I am officially coveting all of you for your fun Summers. The most fun we have had is coming to Idaho. The Island Park reunion was the best part of my vacation and I will be the only mature child to admit that I enjoyed hanging out with you all. Other highlights of our trip was the Hamer parade-thanks Grandpa Jerry. Waklee was an Indian girl and rode Grandpa's horse and even won a "cute pie" trophy. Eric and I hiked Table Rock, okay I rode a horse half the hike and now that it's been a month I can say it was a pretty cool experience minus the horse bucking Eric's Dad off and I was the only person with him and was suppose to know how to save a life, saddle a horse and be calm. I knew how to do that latter two and thankfully I didn't need to save a life. But whoa! It was a little scary. I sure you can imagine but once we got back to safety and the rest of the family I just burst into tears and was sobbing hysterically. I was exhausted, hungry, sore and scared to death his Dad was going to go into shock, so I think tears were permitted. But we thoroughly enjoyed our trip and hope to come next Summer. Eric is busy with school and his calling. Oh my how busy he is with his calling but I will say that is why he is doing well in school. Waklee and I have been learning our states and we are getting very good. Anyone want a challenge give us a call. Reese is getting easier.......... I think or I am just getting alot more patient. Waklee starts school in a month-I can't beleive it! The other day Waklee asked me who was going to watch Reese while she was at school, not that Reese has a mother or anything. But what a nice big sister she is to Reese. The big achievements around our house is 1. Reese can walk, but chooses not to. 2. Waklee learned to tie her shoes! Yeah! She will tie her shoes and untie she shoes just to tie them again and offers to tie the neighbors shoes too. We are hoping to plan a trip to Canada the end of September and maybe just maybe Mom and Dad are going to come, what fun we would have. We will have to find some rope swings because I really want to see that LIVE. You are very cool Grandma's and Grandpa's. Grandpa Jack and Robbie thankyou again for coming to our reunion it meant so much and we hope to see a letter from the two of you for our Blog next month, I'll email when it is due. Love You All!

Lex N Crew


Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Herring Family

Hello Family, (didn't we just see you people? :) )

Life is pretty routine at the Herring's, different season different sports. The best way to do this letter is to give you the run down on each person, so here we go.

John has been working 2 days a week at the golf course. He's golfing everyday and busy building our Xango business. He traveled to Ireland in January to work with our Xango group there so that was a treat for him. He's getting ready to go out East to see his mom and work our business out there.

I've been enjoying each second of Jack. I haven't really been able to do much else. He takes up a lot of my time but I'm soaking it all up. Other than getting the kids to their games and hanging with Jack that's about it for me. I'm finally starting to get back into helping John build Xango so that will start taking up more of my time. Life is good!

Logan completed his baseball season hitting 8 home runs. He had a great season. Since the last letter Logan has turned 12 and has been ordained as a deacon. I can't believe that he's in Young Men's. He's getting ready to leave for a week at scout camp. He's looking forward to that. Football season has started so our summer is officially
Over. :( Logan graduated valedictorian in his class and gave a speech at graduation. He will be starting Jr. High this year (yikes). (Attention family!!!!! Logan wants to come and live in Idaho so he is taking offers on who wants him for a week next summer. He says the best offer wins.) (by the way he does laundry, windows, dishes, cooks breakfast........ I'd take him)

Kimbri started playing fast pitch softball this year. I was able to coach her team again. She was one of our pitchers and I have to say that it was a pretty uneventful season. Everyone's learning and not much going on. (boring) She's competed in a few horse shows this year and has some up and coming, she's out grown CoCo so she's jumping my mare Ivy this year and is working hard. Kimbri will be starting 5th grade. She ended really well in 4th grade, she was 1 A- from a 4.0 average. We are so grateful that they are smart and don't struggle in school.

Josh can't wait for soccer to start up, he's soooo excited. He's also counting down to when he starts 1st grade. Except for soccer his great love is the play station. He gets up earlier than the other kids so he can get "dibs" on the play station. The funny thing is the other kids don't care and aren't racing him. Maybe he should figure that out so he can get more sleep. Ha.

Jack Henry is 5 months old. He's such a good baby and he's already a veteran at baseball games, horse shows, soft ball, and boating . Jack is definitely going to know the meaning of the word "GO". He's growing so fast and is such a blessing in our home.

School is just around the corner but we have had the summer of a lifetime. We made a decision this year to get out and do something as a family as much as possible. We have been camping and boating at Yuba Lake in Utah, we've been boating on Willard Bay in Utah. We enjoyed fun on the water at the reunion and it was great hanging with all of you especially Grandpa Jack and Robbie. On our way home from Island Park we took the kids through Yellowstone to see Old Faithful. We got to Jackson Lake and saw the water, we couldn't resist so we rented a cabin and stayed the night and boated the next day. It was incredibly beautiful. Then we stopped in Swan Valley so the boys could fish in the Snake River. No one wanted to go home. Josh kept saying everywhere we went "I wish Grandma and Grandpa lived here so we could stay the night and not go home. After a week of re-cooping from that trip we traveled down to Lake Powell to play with Chad's family. On our way down we took the kids to Bryce Canyon National Park. We had soooo much fun at Powell. (Taun we need to plan the next trip). On the way home we took the kids to the Grand Canyon and then we stopped off at Zions National Park. We loved it so much we stayed an extra day and hiked into the narrows. It's soooooo beautiful there. After being gone for 7 days we had so much fun that no one wanted to go home. It has been a priceless summer.

Well, there you go, this is extra long because no one got their crap together to get their letters in last time except ME. Keep updated would ya!!!!!!!

Love to everyone!

Empty Nester's

Hello Family!!! No one can say that grandparents are sissies---Grandpa Jerry and Granny Janny have been very brave this summer. We have had a great summer with family!!! Sure enjoyed the reunion with you all in Island Park and especially Grandpa Jack and Robbie getting to come. I just want you to know that those 15 grandchildren have never been that quiet as they were when Grandpa Jack was telling us a few stories. Island Park was a great memory for all of us.
We went to Palisades reservoir with Chad and Taun and Penny where Granny Janny had to prove that she could still water ski. Well I don’t know about the water skiing part but I think I got the award for the day for a “Royal Face Plant”. But I am not giving up yet---you know me, I can’t stand to fail.
Grandpa Jerry killed a rattlesnake at the ranch where our cows are. It had 12 rattles on it---yikes. He tried to get me to hold it while he skinned it but that is where I qualify for “sissy”----I wasn’t touching that thing, dead or alive!!!
For anyone not living in Idaho, it has been hotter than hot this summer----everything is so dry and hay prices are sky high. We have had one rainstorm and that is it. Hoping for a break here soon.
Guess you have all seen our house painted. The one bedroom paint job turned into painting the whole upstairs, the patio, a car trailer that we bought and now we have paint to paint the horse trailer (just in case anyone wants to drop by to help). Needless to say, after this summer all paint brushes will be destroyed at our house. We are sick of painting but everything sure looks nice.
Well, we love you all and think you are great. We love to hear about what you are doing so keep in touch. It makes our day---since we are “empty nesters” we can always use a little excitement!!!

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Chad N' Family

Dear Family,

It was nice to see you all at the reunion. I’m glad we only do it every other year. Hopefully, I don’t see too much of you for another 24 months.

I finished up two classes this summer. I lack 4 to complete my Educational Specialist degree.

Lataun has been busy being primary president, keeping the kids busy, assuring our landscaping gets done, by telling me what to do, not by helping out. I’m pretty sure she has yet to have a shovel or a rake in her hands. She’s also been complaining that we never get anything done around the house, yet she continually makes plans for us to play around.

Mia started walking and whines like a cat on its death bed in an attempt to articulate what she wants. Up to this point she only has one whine, and it means everything. It reminds me of the days of working with Grandpa Jerry, trying to read his mind so you don’t get yelled at.

Sicilee is a nice girl and we like her a lot even though she has taken on some of Grandpa Jack’s traits and continually pesters her little sisters. We’re never quit sure who is guilty when Sicilee is involved. She impressed us jumping, diving, flipping off cliffs at Lake Powell. She got pretty handy on the knee board, actually catching a little (a little little) air and doing 360’s. She spent all summer doing jobs and saving her money for an MP3 player which is due in the mail any day now. Sicilee competed in a state track meet and finished 3rd in the softball throw.

Indee has been the first one up all summer and is always willing to do a job. She’s finally overcome her fear of water. She has mastered standing up on the tube with no hands behind the boat. She is always playing Barbies. She has grown up a lot this summer. She can still make Mia scream with fear, if she gets too close to her. Indee also surprised us by jumping off cliffs at Lake Powell.

Haddi still likes to curl up on my lap and snuggle. She is good to Mia. Taking her for walks every evening to see the neighbor’s dog. Haddi is addicted to Hannah Montana. She likes to watch TV. We have to limit her. We would like to thank Mom and Dad and Tagg and Darci for supporting Haddi in her choice to be baptized. It was the first time I’ve felt the spirit in about 15 years. Haddi is a happy go lucky girl. Always ready for whatever.

We just got done with a great weekend with mom and dad. We four-wheeled into Pack Saddle Lake and up and around horseshoe canyon. You should see mom climb steep hills covered with loose, shale rock as dad slams into her in an attempt to aid her up the hill. You’d be impressed with her skills.

Our highlights for the summer included Island Park, especially Penny trying to talk as she blubbered her whole way through grandpa’s tribute and Lex getting fried the first day…sunscreen really does work if you know how to use it.(see instructions on the bottle). Penny getting fired up at Eric trying to beat Lataun at Dr. Mario (“just tuck it under”). Lake Powell was another highlight despite mom’s fear of all of us being hospitalized for heat stroke and never being able to walk again because of 3rd degree burns on our feet from walking on the sand. My highlight was beating Logan in a hot buffalo wing eating challenge and watching John try to talk while beads of sweat ran down his face (in an air conditioned restaurant) “It’s….it’s….out….side”.

We are adjusting to the culture of Teton Valley by taking a gunny sacks to the grocery store, bathing only once a week, hiking mountains, eating granola bars, and bidding on Subaru’s in Texas on Ebay, grandpa here we come. It’s been fun to have company all summer. Come see us and we’ll show you a tree-huggin’ good time.
