Call it a clan, call it a network, call it a tribe, call it a family. Whatever you call it, whoever you are, you need one.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Lataun N' Family

Dear Family,

It’s been a joy for the last 3 weeks babysitting my wife. Heeding to her every request. Can’t wait until the next time I get to do that. I’m currently slaving over the stove preparing dinner for my family while she sits in front of the TV watching Oprah reruns. It’s been 3 weeks, but the recovery process is 2 to 4 months. Hopefully by Christmas she’ll be able to prepare a meal for me.

I just got home from the grocery store buying groceries and saw Sicilee’s, I mean Lataun’s, Halloween poster. She was the winner of a contest, 25 free tickets to the carnival.

I spent all fall being a slave to soccer. Sicilee had games on Wednesday and Friday. Haddi had games on Tuesday and Saturday. I had to call some of my friends to see what kind of a commitment level I had support soccer. I don’t think I’ll be able to live up to the standards set by my mom and dad. Sicilee’s team won the championship and Haddi won the award for having the cutest pig tails at each game.

Well, Chad started this newsletter but never finished so I guess I’ll wrap it up. I’m cutting and pasting a portion from my skidmore newsletter to the Williams. Sorry, I know it’s not as entertaining as your brother’s side of things.

We have had an eventful fall season. Not a pleasant one, but eventful none the less. I had surgery on my sinuses a couple of weeks ago. I hope that the second time is a charm. After suffering for a few months, we went to my doctor hoping to convince him to let me be on steroids, the miracle drug. But with look, he told me that surgery was inevitable. I had a CT Scan and that confirmed his findings. So we scheduled it soon so that Chad could baby-sit me during his week off of school for Fall Break. I am still recovering and trying to be patient because it is a long recovery. I knew this after the first surgery and was not looking forward to another go of it. My mom and Chad’s mom have both been great help. My mom came and stayed for a week and we had a good time. I wish she could just come live with me more often. She helped me get Mia’s stocking finished and some other projects that have been staring me in the face for the last year or so.

We loved our Labor Day weekend. That was the highlight of the Fall Season in a good way. I don’t know if any of you know how terrified I am of bears. But I am. I’m TERRIFIED! I don’t really enjoy the great outdoors for that reason. WHAT IF? What if I came face to face with a bear and it attacked me? We went to Leigh Lake in Grand Teton National Park with Faren and Avery, Val and Megan, and Mom and Dad. My girls and Mom and Dad and I went to check out this waterfall that we could hear. We came around the corner on the bank and THERE WAS A BEAR! A GRIZZLY BEAR!!!!!! My legs turned to jello, my heart was racing! The kids were all in front of us and we got their attention and pointed and they saw that bear and came running. They fell down a little and Indee was crying, she couldn’t stop. It was crazy! We did live through it. I don’t know how we survived but we did. (The bear didn’t even look up, he could have cared less that we were there) We canoed, hiked, floated the river, went down the slide at Darby Canyon, climbed flagpoles, and my favorite…played Scatergories. We heard elk bugling (sp?), saw a huge bull moose on the river bank as we passed, saw a baby bear (another one) in the campground, and had a great time.

Thanks to everyone for thinking of me and helping me out. Melissa you are a life saver for taking a one year old who is still nursing and hasn’t spent much time away from her mother. I hope she was good for you and you didn’t feel too used and abused. I had no one else to ask but I knew I could count on you and I appreciate it. Jan, you have saved my sanity by coming up and spending a few days. Thanks for making my life a lot less hectic. I hope I can repay you sometime.

Can’t wait to read your letters. We love you all. Lataun and family

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