Call it a clan, call it a network, call it a tribe, call it a family. Whatever you call it, whoever you are, you need one.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Herring Family

It seems like these newsletters are coming around way too quick. You guys must think a lot happens around here.

Let's start with youngest first. Jack Henry will be 8 months old on the 27th. He's growing like a weed. His favorite thing is to play catch and after he throws the ball he likes to clap for himself (we like to start them early) he isn't quite crawling but he likes to roll and scoot to his destination. I'm afraid I'm in big trouble once he starts crawling, this kid wants to go go go. He loves when I put him in the jogger to go anywhere.

Joshua has 2 soccer games left. John has been his assistant coach this year so that has been fun for both of them. Josh is loving 1st grade and of course his favorite part is lunch and recess. Go figure! He's quite the kid. The other day I asked him to quit doing something 2 times and on the 3rd time I said "Josh, which part of don't do that aren't you getting?" he said, "I know mom, I'm just now starting to get it." I also told him he needed to get ready for soccer or he was going to be late. He said, "mom, I need water, quick go get it for me, hurry up lady." I'm still uncertain at this point who he was referring to. :) He's our little comedian. He turned 7 in September and we had a little birthday party for him with his friends. He thought he was the coolest kid ever. Kimbri just finished competing in her jumper shows. She had her best show of the year. She will still jump in training shows all winter but this was the last official UHJA show. I was so proud of how well she did and very excited that she didn't eat dirt. She has fallen off quite a bit this year. At one of her training clinics she lost her balance over the jump, fell off and Ivy stepped on both her thighs. Her legs got so black and blue. She would get mad every time I pulled out the camera. I just couldn't believe how nasty they looked, I had to take pictures. Fortunately she was back up and riding within about a week and a half. She's a trooper, we were just glad nothing serious happened. Kimbri is attending a pitching clinic once a week for the next 3 months. She is working on the basic fundamentals of pitching right now. It should be really good for her.
Logan's been busy with football. They have only lost 1 game in their division and lost 1 game out of their division which they classify as a cross over game. The teams are getting bigger and bigger. To give you a little perspective on what I mean by big his last game there were 4 guys on the other teams line that were huge. 3 of them were 5 ft. 11 inches tall and they weighed 185 pounds (yes they are only 12 years old). The 4th guy was bigger than that. Our line held there ground but we still ended up losing by 4. Our offense really struggled. The center kept snapping the ball over the quarter backs head. It killed us. Anyway, they have 2 games left then playoffs then championships. We have skunked everyone else other than this last team so we shouldn't have any problems at playoffs (only 4 teams play in the playoffs) and we should play in the championship game. Logan has been doing awesome in Scouts. He just had a court of honor where he was awarded around 8 badges. I don't know how he keeps up with himself, luckily he loves having a busy schedule. (I think he wishes he didn't have piano right now) He is enjoying Jr. High and keeping his straight A's thus far. He was picked as the student of the month at the Jr. High so we are very proud of him.

I'm busy being mom. Jack keeps me occupied most of the day. I've started walking every morning with my girlfriend Heather. We power walk 4.7 miles everyday except Saturday and Sunday. It's great for the body and mind and Jack sleeps the whole time which is a nice break. I'm so excited for football to be over so that we can start basketball. I'm putting together an accelerated team for Logan to play on. I'm going to head coach it and Heather is going to be my assistant. She is going to head coach Kimbri and Natasha's team and I'm going to assist. I can't wait. I'm getting the basketball itch. Chad and Tagg I will be calling you for some play tips. I want some good plays to use, they play by high school rules. I haven't started playing basketball myself, I had to quit running because my back has started bothering me again so I resort to walking until I can strengthen it again. What a pain. That about covers the excitement for me.

John has been traveling out East to visit his mom and to work our Xango business. He's headed to Oregon for a big Women's Health Expo. It will be a suicide drive over with Tom, 3 crazy days at the expo all day long and a suicide drive back because we have our Xango National Convention coming to town so John's sister and one of our friends from Ireland will be staying with us. It'll be a crazy 2 weeks for John. Besides working at the golf course, golfing, coaching Josh's team and Xango he's keeping busy.

The kids are excited for Halloween. I know you are all Halloween fanatics and I really don't care for the holiday but my kids get excited. Josh is going to be the hulk and Kimbri a clown. Logan doesn't go trick-or-treating anymore but he said he would take Jack. I think he wants the candy. Anyway, Trick or Treat to all of you! We look forward to seeing everyone over the holidays.

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