Call it a clan, call it a network, call it a tribe, call it a family. Whatever you call it, whoever you are, you need one.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Nerdaball and Cute Wife

Well the newsletter is here and we have tons of news. We actually have had so much occur in the last weeks that we have decided to skip this newsletter due to the fact that I don’t really want to type it all. So everyone have a great month and we will keep in touch….

Ok seriously I will apologized before hand about this newsletter because I am currently suffering from writers block so If it doesn’t make sense or is really boring now you know why.

Darci has just started a new job working at the Salon and is enjoying it very much. She has been bringing home pretty good tips and I like that because for those of you who know I rarely have cash on me. Darci also just got promoted at her other job and goes to work form 7 to 3:30 and likes that a lot. She also gets to work from home on Thursdays which is extremely nice for her to finally be able to stay home sometimes.

I, Tagg Williams Jr. the third, am still working for XEL Electric. My boss is pretty cool you should all meet him sometime. Although, he can’t seem to stay out of trouble with the law. Something about methamphetamine with intention to sell and conspiracy to 1st degree murder. I really didn’t understand all of the charges. That is pretty much all I have been up to.

As many of you know Darc and I have been trying to procreate and to bring the next “good looking, intelligent, strong, athletic, charismatic, charming, loving, caring, found on the side of road….. Nerdaball into this world. We have been going to a doctor and trying the medical field to get pregnant. Now I wanted to be able to explain what is going on and since most of us were raised on a ranch this is what I could compare this to. They pretty much just herd us into a pen like a herd of cows. Tie up the legs and you can imagine the rest. “Darci doesn’t know I am writing this and she probably would not approve but this is pretty much what it is like.” No luck yet but we have faith that it will work and if it doesn’t I am on my way to the Bahamas. Saddle up partner!!!!

Now on a more serious matter. I know everyone right now is like, “ya whatever Tagg is full of B.S. 85 % of the time” but there is something that Darc and I would like to ask. First of all we would like to thank the entire family for having us in there prayers and in there thoughts and there worries for how we are feeling. I know that Darc and I came out and told everyone what we were doing or everyone heard somehow, “AKA Penny” that was because we were very optimistic about the procedure so we called and told everyone. Anyways I don’t want this to come out wrong but we could go through this procedure 5 or 6 more times before it works or even if it will work and so we would like to try to keep it a surprise if you know what I am trying to say. We love you all and know that you all love us but we hope you understand.

There seriousness over. I am looking forward to going down and seeing G-Jack especially since I think there will be snow around here. My birthday is coming up as is Penny’s and Chad’s but supposedly Darc has a great surprise in store for me so if anyone hears about it before me you can reach me at 208-716-1412 and give me the low down. I love this newsletter stuff because I can get info out without Darci knowing until it is too late!!!!!!

My thought: Why did I not become a Doctor or a Weatherman???

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