Call it a clan, call it a network, call it a tribe, call it a family. Whatever you call it, whoever you are, you need one.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Birthday Girl

I am thirty! I heard that in your thirties you can be saucy! So I guess I will start acting saucy or maybe I will just start acting MORE saucy! Good Luck to Eric on that one. I think I may have just had my best birthday so thanks for all the nice things that were said about me. And you know Chad, Eric only asked for like two nice things you didn't need to submit all thirty on your own. You know the birthday is going to be pretty good when your husband gets up early to make you breakfast and the five year old starts out with, "What do you need Birthday Girl?" Waklee didn't refer to me as Mom at all that day, just "The Birthday Girl". Once again thank you to everyone. And yes it is official I am a control freak! Eric had quite a bit of planning going on for my birthday and if you want to keep something a secret never tell Eric. Waklee did a better job of keeping things on the down low than he did. But Eric started getting me worried that he was going to throw a big birthday party. Now if you don't know this about me...I hate birthday parties. I just don't like having to go to a party and hang out with people that you really don't want to be hanging out with. I mean if I want to hang out I will call you. (Whose daughter do I sound like????) So Eric has me going that there is going to be a party and I seriously every night was almost in tears. So finally on Saturday, my birthday, I freaked out and made Eric tell me how many people were coming to my party, just so I could relax. I am such a bum because I ruined the surprise and felt bad about that. But there were some fun surprises I didn't know about like 30 roses and the nice thoughts and some fun gifts. What have we been up to?

We did host the Elder's for General Conference. Now when the Elder's ask if they can come over for conference does that mean one session or all four? No, we had a great time. After watching them sleep through most of it; the final session I told them that if anyone was found asleep Waklee would squirt them with her gun. It was pretty funny but we didn't listen so well cause we were all laughing so hard. We love the Elders and were glad they like to come to our humble little apartment to hang out. Oh and yes Halloween is almost here! I can't wait. Please know that pictures from Halloween better be arriving to my email within days so I can post on the blog. Reese is going to be the cutest little lion you ever saw and Reese is a lamb. Get it.......a lion and a lamb. Fun Fun.

I had to post this pix of Rees'e cute hand-me-down from Melissa and I am not sure why Waklee is sporting so much attitude in this pix.

Hope you are all doing well and I am jealous of those getting to go and visit Grandpa in Texas.

And Happy Birthday to Robbi, Dad, Chad coming up and Happy Anniversary to Lex and Melissa!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great work.