Call it a clan, call it a network, call it a tribe, call it a family. Whatever you call it, whoever you are, you need one.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Empty Nester's

Hello Family!!! No one can say that grandparents are sissies---Grandpa Jerry and Granny Janny have been very brave this summer. We have had a great summer with family!!! Sure enjoyed the reunion with you all in Island Park and especially Grandpa Jack and Robbie getting to come. I just want you to know that those 15 grandchildren have never been that quiet as they were when Grandpa Jack was telling us a few stories. Island Park was a great memory for all of us.
We went to Palisades reservoir with Chad and Taun and Penny where Granny Janny had to prove that she could still water ski. Well I don’t know about the water skiing part but I think I got the award for the day for a “Royal Face Plant”. But I am not giving up yet---you know me, I can’t stand to fail.
Grandpa Jerry killed a rattlesnake at the ranch where our cows are. It had 12 rattles on it---yikes. He tried to get me to hold it while he skinned it but that is where I qualify for “sissy”----I wasn’t touching that thing, dead or alive!!!
For anyone not living in Idaho, it has been hotter than hot this summer----everything is so dry and hay prices are sky high. We have had one rainstorm and that is it. Hoping for a break here soon.
Guess you have all seen our house painted. The one bedroom paint job turned into painting the whole upstairs, the patio, a car trailer that we bought and now we have paint to paint the horse trailer (just in case anyone wants to drop by to help). Needless to say, after this summer all paint brushes will be destroyed at our house. We are sick of painting but everything sure looks nice.
Well, we love you all and think you are great. We love to hear about what you are doing so keep in touch. It makes our day---since we are “empty nesters” we can always use a little excitement!!!

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