Call it a clan, call it a network, call it a tribe, call it a family. Whatever you call it, whoever you are, you need one.

Sunday, August 5, 2007

The Long Awaited Letter From Tagg & Darc

Saving the best for last!!!!!
Well, we have had a good summer. (The kids have kept us very busy this year. It is just so much fun chasing them around the house, they just tucker us out so fast... )

Well, some things that we have done this summer that you may not know about is we went to Bill's Island with a bunch of friends and rented a cabin that Merrill Hoge owned. It was very fun and all BUT, the snoring that was occurring on ALL 3 floors! Also, I am very confused on what a Bede ( pronounced B-day) is used for could someone clear that up for me???? Logan perhaps? All in all we had a good time.

In the hella hot month of July (and the Saturday before the 24th), we took Sicilee and Haddi to Lagoon. We stayed at a motel 6, and the room was smaller than the one and only Brown Derby. ( for those of you who don't know what the Brown Derby is maybe you should join the rest of the family at the annual Anaconda Reunion, going on 8 years) Anyway, at the Motel 6 we crammed 9 people into the room. That means it actually only cost $4.47 a person, also known as a steal of a deal!!!!!!! So, we went to Denny's to eat that Friday night and we waited to be seated (at a Denny's???) for 25 minutes, ya I have never felt so white trash in my entire life. Then we waited another 45 minutes to get our food! (Again, at Denny's???) Saturday - we took Sic & Had to Lagoon and it was a lot of fun. We started them out on the kiddie rides and they got off of those all dissapointed because they wanted to go on the big ones and they never chickened out. (unlike their dad who stayed home)

Darci is still slaving away. She enjoys her job but it is still a job. She has been doing quite a bit of hair and bringing smiles to the women around the world, every once in a while I sneak in and get a cut also.

I have been busy with work. I do enjoy what I am doing though. I seem to have an experience with people everday that makes me laugh. For example, the other day I stopped by the gas station in Rigby to get a pop. As I am standing in line, I noticed that there was a cop in the back office looking at surveilance tapes of the gas mps. Through thorough thought and process of elimination I had come to a conclusion that someone drove off without paying for their gas. Just as I step up to pay for the pop in my hand (and not the candy bar in my pocket.....SHHH) the attendant asked the cop if he had caught the perpetrator. The cop states with a dumb look on his face, "ya, the guy had his phone number on his pickup" so without hesitation I just blurted out, "what an idiot!!! So they caught him and I was excited to tell Darci when I got hoime but I forgot. Anyways, I get in the truck with Lex the next day and he says, "Let me tell you about my day yesterday." He starts by saying how he needed to get a bid in by 3:00 for a job in Jackson and he found this out at 1:00. So, he said he hurried and stopped by the gas station to fuel up and get a drink...since he was in such a hurry, he forgot to pay for the gas. So, I look at him...laugh, and say: "So....YOU'RE THE IDOT???!!!!" And then I laughed harder. Now I am unemployed due to the fact my boss is serving his debt to society.

We had fun seeing everyone (and laughing at everyone) at the family reunion. And like everyone else, we enjoyed very much - spending time with Robbie and Grandpa. It was a great highlight to our vacation!

For the traditional words from Tagg, who do you feel bad for, the Zebra or the Cheetah?

1 comment:

The Bahrs said...

You are so lucky to have Darci in your family! She is the sweetest girl, and yes, she brings a smile to my face every time she does my hair! :O)

Take good care of her, she's gonna give you the cutest grandbaby soon!