Call it a clan, call it a network, call it a tribe, call it a family. Whatever you call it, whoever you are, you need one.

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Kunz Tribe

I am excited! I think this blog is a lot of fun. Thanks for all the letters and pictures. I am officially coveting all of you for your fun Summers. The most fun we have had is coming to Idaho. The Island Park reunion was the best part of my vacation and I will be the only mature child to admit that I enjoyed hanging out with you all. Other highlights of our trip was the Hamer parade-thanks Grandpa Jerry. Waklee was an Indian girl and rode Grandpa's horse and even won a "cute pie" trophy. Eric and I hiked Table Rock, okay I rode a horse half the hike and now that it's been a month I can say it was a pretty cool experience minus the horse bucking Eric's Dad off and I was the only person with him and was suppose to know how to save a life, saddle a horse and be calm. I knew how to do that latter two and thankfully I didn't need to save a life. But whoa! It was a little scary. I sure you can imagine but once we got back to safety and the rest of the family I just burst into tears and was sobbing hysterically. I was exhausted, hungry, sore and scared to death his Dad was going to go into shock, so I think tears were permitted. But we thoroughly enjoyed our trip and hope to come next Summer. Eric is busy with school and his calling. Oh my how busy he is with his calling but I will say that is why he is doing well in school. Waklee and I have been learning our states and we are getting very good. Anyone want a challenge give us a call. Reese is getting easier.......... I think or I am just getting alot more patient. Waklee starts school in a month-I can't beleive it! The other day Waklee asked me who was going to watch Reese while she was at school, not that Reese has a mother or anything. But what a nice big sister she is to Reese. The big achievements around our house is 1. Reese can walk, but chooses not to. 2. Waklee learned to tie her shoes! Yeah! She will tie her shoes and untie she shoes just to tie them again and offers to tie the neighbors shoes too. We are hoping to plan a trip to Canada the end of September and maybe just maybe Mom and Dad are going to come, what fun we would have. We will have to find some rope swings because I really want to see that LIVE. You are very cool Grandma's and Grandpa's. Grandpa Jack and Robbie thankyou again for coming to our reunion it meant so much and we hope to see a letter from the two of you for our Blog next month, I'll email when it is due. Love You All!

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