Call it a clan, call it a network, call it a tribe, call it a family. Whatever you call it, whoever you are, you need one.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Herring Family

Hello Family, (didn't we just see you people? :) )

Life is pretty routine at the Herring's, different season different sports. The best way to do this letter is to give you the run down on each person, so here we go.

John has been working 2 days a week at the golf course. He's golfing everyday and busy building our Xango business. He traveled to Ireland in January to work with our Xango group there so that was a treat for him. He's getting ready to go out East to see his mom and work our business out there.

I've been enjoying each second of Jack. I haven't really been able to do much else. He takes up a lot of my time but I'm soaking it all up. Other than getting the kids to their games and hanging with Jack that's about it for me. I'm finally starting to get back into helping John build Xango so that will start taking up more of my time. Life is good!

Logan completed his baseball season hitting 8 home runs. He had a great season. Since the last letter Logan has turned 12 and has been ordained as a deacon. I can't believe that he's in Young Men's. He's getting ready to leave for a week at scout camp. He's looking forward to that. Football season has started so our summer is officially
Over. :( Logan graduated valedictorian in his class and gave a speech at graduation. He will be starting Jr. High this year (yikes). (Attention family!!!!! Logan wants to come and live in Idaho so he is taking offers on who wants him for a week next summer. He says the best offer wins.) (by the way he does laundry, windows, dishes, cooks breakfast........ I'd take him)

Kimbri started playing fast pitch softball this year. I was able to coach her team again. She was one of our pitchers and I have to say that it was a pretty uneventful season. Everyone's learning and not much going on. (boring) She's competed in a few horse shows this year and has some up and coming, she's out grown CoCo so she's jumping my mare Ivy this year and is working hard. Kimbri will be starting 5th grade. She ended really well in 4th grade, she was 1 A- from a 4.0 average. We are so grateful that they are smart and don't struggle in school.

Josh can't wait for soccer to start up, he's soooo excited. He's also counting down to when he starts 1st grade. Except for soccer his great love is the play station. He gets up earlier than the other kids so he can get "dibs" on the play station. The funny thing is the other kids don't care and aren't racing him. Maybe he should figure that out so he can get more sleep. Ha.

Jack Henry is 5 months old. He's such a good baby and he's already a veteran at baseball games, horse shows, soft ball, and boating . Jack is definitely going to know the meaning of the word "GO". He's growing so fast and is such a blessing in our home.

School is just around the corner but we have had the summer of a lifetime. We made a decision this year to get out and do something as a family as much as possible. We have been camping and boating at Yuba Lake in Utah, we've been boating on Willard Bay in Utah. We enjoyed fun on the water at the reunion and it was great hanging with all of you especially Grandpa Jack and Robbie. On our way home from Island Park we took the kids through Yellowstone to see Old Faithful. We got to Jackson Lake and saw the water, we couldn't resist so we rented a cabin and stayed the night and boated the next day. It was incredibly beautiful. Then we stopped in Swan Valley so the boys could fish in the Snake River. No one wanted to go home. Josh kept saying everywhere we went "I wish Grandma and Grandpa lived here so we could stay the night and not go home. After a week of re-cooping from that trip we traveled down to Lake Powell to play with Chad's family. On our way down we took the kids to Bryce Canyon National Park. We had soooo much fun at Powell. (Taun we need to plan the next trip). On the way home we took the kids to the Grand Canyon and then we stopped off at Zions National Park. We loved it so much we stayed an extra day and hiked into the narrows. It's soooooo beautiful there. After being gone for 7 days we had so much fun that no one wanted to go home. It has been a priceless summer.

Well, there you go, this is extra long because no one got their crap together to get their letters in last time except ME. Keep updated would ya!!!!!!!

Love to everyone!

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