Williams Family Est.1969

Call it a clan, call it a network, call it a tribe, call it a family. Whatever you call it, whoever you are, you need one.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008


Hello Family,

Snow, snow, snow and more snow, we are tired of the snow and ready for Spring here in Utah. Logan and John are itching to go golfing. The conventional life of the Herring's is sports. The kids have been busy in basketball. I was the head coach for Logan's competitive team and the assistant for Kimbri's team. It has been a lot of fun. Josh decided to try basketball this year as well and he absolutely loves it, he announced the other day that he wants to be a professional basketball player. Jack is the busiest kid I have ever seen. He's also the biggest tease I've ever seen in someone his age. He's 1 which is amazing to me that time has passed that quickly. Did I mention he talks in his sleep already? It's crazy.

We've been trying to get out and do family activities between sports which is easier said than done. Kimbri went skiing for the first time with her class and loved it. John and Logan went up skiing for career day. We also took the kids tubing up in Park City and Ice Skating in Salt Lake. We have a great sledding hill in our community that the kids take advantage of as well. Probably the most memorable thing I can think of was gathering around the TV together watching the Superbowl as the Giants beat......oh, I can't remember the name of the other team. Tagg, you follow the NFL could you help out with that one????? :)

Kids are doing great in school. Logan's goal is to keep his 4.0 through highschool. He is pretty determined and successful thus far. Kimbri has straight A's as well and Josh gets good marks in everything, they don't give him letter grades yet. He's an excellent reader just claims to hate doing it. He always seems to have better things to do, imagine that.

It's birthday bonanza around our place. I just turned the big 37, Jack is going to be 1, Kimbri is going to be 11, and Logan 13. Can you believe that we're going to have a teenager in the house? Crazy. He is a great kid and into texting all day long. It's fun to watch them grow, as you all can relate. (not so fun listening to him talking about girls with his friends) Not ready for that part yet.

John and I are starring in a podcast online for Xango for their big Xango awards on February 25. It was a lot of fun to shoot so of course we will be famous now. Mom already requested the first autograph. We'll be sure to remember the little people out there. HA! John has been traveling to Florida, Colorado and is headed out East for 2 weeks for work in March. He'll get to enjoy time with his mom while he is out there as well. That about sums things up. Same ole, same ole.

The Herring Family

Chad's Girl Tribe

Dear Family,

Since the last newsletter, my birthday came and went and none of my siblings sent me any gifts. Christmas time was the hustle and bustle but overall it was quite enjoyable. We’ve had a lot of snow days and cold days (6 so far) and it’s been nice to call Lex and Tagg and see what they were up to those days. Tomorrow at 10:15 a.m., I find out if I’m fired or not. I get the chance to go before the school board and superintendent and they get to tell me if I have a job or not. Work continues to be challenging and if it doesn’t get better, I’m going to have to find a new career. I’m looking forward to March Madness. Since Christmas Break, a day hasn’t gone by that someone in my family hasn’t been sick. Between Indee’s earaches and Sicilee always crying and Lataun’s sinus infection, I should have gone into medicine. I had to refill my propane tank after only six weeks of heat. I am thankful to Lex for helping me out and hooking me up with some electric heaters. The snow in my backyard is up to the top of my trampoline. Sicilee had the chance to sing in the temple dedication ceremony and we thought it would be pretty important to attend. She went in the night before to a required rehearsal in Rexburg. The next day all roads were closed out of the valley. So Lataun did some investigative work and found a back road we could go through. I told her I didn’t feel good about it. That feeling was justified as we were sliding backwards down a ravine with no control. Ultimately, we made it and it was pretty awesome. Lataun went skiing the other day with the girls. Sis is snowboarding this year. Jr. Jazz started up and I volunteered to coach Haddi’s team. Sis’s group didn’t have enough coaches this year, so I am coaching both age groups. I have hope that my girls with have some athleticism and skills. After every practice, Lataun tells me everything that I should do. I tell her she should be the coach, but she won’t cause she’s scared. I’ve tried to stay in contact with mom but everytime I call the lines busy because she’s probably talking with dad. Lataun continues to refuse to answer the phone when I call. I’m looking forward to March Madness. Hopefully it will help me keep my sanity, before I slap some kid across the head. I’m finishing up my grand finale of school. I’ll have my educational specialist degree. I’m looking forward to having a summer with no school to go to in a long time (7 years).

Love, Chad and girls

Sexy Lexy Fam

well this month I'm not in trouble with the law so I guess I will write a news letter. I guess the past couple of months for some unforeseen reason the police have been after me for one reason or another, but this month I haven't been to court to keep from losing my license and I haven't drove off without paying for my gas.
business has been really good to tagg and I this winter and we have a few new contractors that I think will keep us buisy this summer. I think I might have to hire a couple guys to put under tagg (I hope it doesn't go to his head). so that we don't get behind and so we can keep the new guys happy.

melissa is working at the apple athletic club as a personal trainer and she is really enjoying it. she has picked up a lot of new clients and they are keeping her buisy there as well. it has been an extra job just trying to arrange our schedules around our work and trying to get the kids to there activities but it has been good for me to be home with the kids, I am more patient with them and I now understand all the things that melissa did around here that I didn't realize before.

the kids are doing good in school savannah is still getting good grades and jaxon had a little bit of a slump right at report card time but I think he is doing better, maigan is getting good grades if we can just keep her home work done, alivia is going to preschool and kindergarten and she is doing really good on her reading, aysia is going to preschool and she is funny I woke her up this morning and said aysia you have preschool and she perked right up with a big smile on her face she is really excited to go to school every day, well things are going really well for us if we just had more time in the day to get every thing done the kids are pestering me to take them, sledding so I better go. hope every one is doing good love lex, melissa, savannah, jaxon, maigan, alivia, and aysia.


Hello All! The Kunz’s are not quite sure where the month of February went. We must have been busy because I thought it was still January. We are getting ready for our Elder’s Quorum Pine Wood Derby and so if you find little dustings of wood in your letter it is from the Hummer Eric has been designing for his car. And Waklee and I plan to do a Chic car too. We are trying to be creative but haven’t come up with anything yet. We will be sure to let you know how it goes. I joined a book club in the fall time and so I have found a new passion for good literature. With all the books I have read I can’t believe that I didn’t know about all those other good books out there. I have been reading some amazing literature that keeps my mind going. This has been my busiest time yet with the apartments and am anxiously awaiting for it to slow down again. Waklee my overachiever is doing very well in school. If you ask her what grade she is in she will tell, very innocently because she is just being her matter of fact self, that she is in kindergarten but in first grade reading and first grade math. We are very proud of her but sometimes wonder being new parents if we are doing the right thing, do those doubts ever go away? And so the story goes last week she was invited to join an accelerated math class that would require us to have her to school by eight which you should know that is early for me. I left it up to Waklee if she wanted to go to bed earlier and get up earlier and she said she did. When I told her about the class her eyes lit up. She is being very challenged which is how we learn the most. Reese continues to amaze me with all the things that she doesn’t do and amazes me with all the things that she does do. By this I mean Reese does not talk. I don’t even know if she can. She only has to grunt and she has three servants at her beck and call. But Reese is very very observant. Just today she got out of the van and noticed it being parked close to our car and so she reached up to try and push my mirror in which is something I do everytime I get out of the car. Oh how they watch. A few weeks ago my printer wouldn’t work and I seriously took my fist to it and just pounded and pounded and pounded and pounded again I was so mad and then the next day I wonder why is Reese beating her fist on the wall in anger. Reese is also trying to potty train herself. She has observed other females in her house and so she thought she should be doing this too. But tonight Reese had a rude awakening. For the first time in her 22 months of life her Mom put her foot down. Reese continues to get out of her bed and it doesn’t help that she could climb out of her crib at what 9 months and so Reese has done what I said my kids would never do….she gets out of bed and comes to mine and she STAYS. This bad terrible habit has turned into Reese falling asleep in my bed. And so tonight I said No More! We locked her in her room and she screamed, yes Reese has a temper, and she pounded her fist on the door (wonder where she learned that from) until Waklee couldn’t take it and brought her to me. Then started round 2, 3, 4, which in round 4 Eric said he felt so bad for her that his eyes teared up (no joking) and round 5 which resulted with me kneeling on the floor to a baby who had cried so hard she was in stuttering phase. But she did fall asleep in her bed. We are enjoying our lovely Oregon. Today I took Waklee to the park to work on our t-ball skills, can’t let any boys be any better than her and I came home and talked to two of Eric’s siblings who said they had been out sledding, oh yah forgot you still have a few more months of that. So sorry. And to end Eric has part one of national boards coming up and so we hold our breath each time we hear the word national but would love if you could keep him in your prayers. Love You All- The Kunz’s.

Tagg-o Wagg-o Fam

Well just to let you all know I had no idea what to put into this newsletter, but here goes. As everyone should probably know by now we are finally preganant. Darci has pretty much told everyone the story of how it worked and what the process was but to let you all know she was LYING!!!! I am here to now tell the TRUTH!!!
As we started insemenation I was intrigued of the process. After I had seen the process done for two months I realized that I could do exactly what the doctor had been doing for the last two months. On month three I walked into the doctors office with a mission in mind. I was going to do it myself. As Nike states: Just Do It. So I realized I couldn't walk out of the office with all of the pieces at once so I had to "Shawshank Redemption" it. The third month I took a syringe, the fourth month I took a Tinackulume...??? I was only one piece away and had two tries to get my hands on it. All it was was the plastic cathyder. I eyed one on the counter-top but I knew that the doctors were on to me so I couldn't just grab one. As it turns out I failed to get the cathyder, but me being all wise and intellegent just drove to the nearest Wendy's and purchased a Large #2 and there was the final piece, a plastic straw. So when month 5 came rather than going to the doctors office I took matters into my own hands and "Wa Lah" we are expecting our first child.

We are both very excited to start the next chapter of our lives. We are scared and nervous and still can't believe it but here in about 7 months it will probably finally hit us and we will be like "deer in the headlights". "Thats an idiom Haddi!!! We are thankful for all of the support that we have received from everyone and the excitement that everyone has shared with us. Darci hasn't really been very sick yet and I hope she doesn't. We are very fortunant and very thankful for this blessing and miracle.

We miss Mom but are very thankful that she has been able to spend time with Grandpa. We think about and pray for him each and everyday and want him to know how much we love him.

Counting Down The Days To Anaconda...... I mean the birth of our child
Tagg & Darci

Apparently, Tagg felt like he needed to tell the family that he was the reason that I got pregnant. But, truth be known, that our Dr. probably just got tired of seeing us month after month, that maybe he slipped a few of his own "sample" into the syringe. All I know is two things: 1. I'm pregant and 2. if this baby is born with orangish/red hair, I'll be looking for a new Dr. :o) Hope everyone is doing well, we miss you all! Thanks again for all of the support, we so appreciate it. Looking forward to Spring! Love, Darc

Monday, November 5, 2007

Halloween Cuties!

Kozy Kuny's

Wild Williams's

Hair Raising Herrings

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Lataun N' Family

Dear Family,

It’s been a joy for the last 3 weeks babysitting my wife. Heeding to her every request. Can’t wait until the next time I get to do that. I’m currently slaving over the stove preparing dinner for my family while she sits in front of the TV watching Oprah reruns. It’s been 3 weeks, but the recovery process is 2 to 4 months. Hopefully by Christmas she’ll be able to prepare a meal for me.

I just got home from the grocery store buying groceries and saw Sicilee’s, I mean Lataun’s, Halloween poster. She was the winner of a contest, 25 free tickets to the carnival.

I spent all fall being a slave to soccer. Sicilee had games on Wednesday and Friday. Haddi had games on Tuesday and Saturday. I had to call some of my friends to see what kind of a commitment level I had support soccer. I don’t think I’ll be able to live up to the standards set by my mom and dad. Sicilee’s team won the championship and Haddi won the award for having the cutest pig tails at each game.

Well, Chad started this newsletter but never finished so I guess I’ll wrap it up. I’m cutting and pasting a portion from my skidmore newsletter to the Williams. Sorry, I know it’s not as entertaining as your brother’s side of things.

We have had an eventful fall season. Not a pleasant one, but eventful none the less. I had surgery on my sinuses a couple of weeks ago. I hope that the second time is a charm. After suffering for a few months, we went to my doctor hoping to convince him to let me be on steroids, the miracle drug. But with look, he told me that surgery was inevitable. I had a CT Scan and that confirmed his findings. So we scheduled it soon so that Chad could baby-sit me during his week off of school for Fall Break. I am still recovering and trying to be patient because it is a long recovery. I knew this after the first surgery and was not looking forward to another go of it. My mom and Chad’s mom have both been great help. My mom came and stayed for a week and we had a good time. I wish she could just come live with me more often. She helped me get Mia’s stocking finished and some other projects that have been staring me in the face for the last year or so.

We loved our Labor Day weekend. That was the highlight of the Fall Season in a good way. I don’t know if any of you know how terrified I am of bears. But I am. I’m TERRIFIED! I don’t really enjoy the great outdoors for that reason. WHAT IF? What if I came face to face with a bear and it attacked me? We went to Leigh Lake in Grand Teton National Park with Faren and Avery, Val and Megan, and Mom and Dad. My girls and Mom and Dad and I went to check out this waterfall that we could hear. We came around the corner on the bank and THERE WAS A BEAR! A GRIZZLY BEAR!!!!!! My legs turned to jello, my heart was racing! The kids were all in front of us and we got their attention and pointed and they saw that bear and came running. They fell down a little and Indee was crying, she couldn’t stop. It was crazy! We did live through it. I don’t know how we survived but we did. (The bear didn’t even look up, he could have cared less that we were there) We canoed, hiked, floated the river, went down the slide at Darby Canyon, climbed flagpoles, and my favorite…played Scatergories. We heard elk bugling (sp?), saw a huge bull moose on the river bank as we passed, saw a baby bear (another one) in the campground, and had a great time.

Thanks to everyone for thinking of me and helping me out. Melissa you are a life saver for taking a one year old who is still nursing and hasn’t spent much time away from her mother. I hope she was good for you and you didn’t feel too used and abused. I had no one else to ask but I knew I could count on you and I appreciate it. Jan, you have saved my sanity by coming up and spending a few days. Thanks for making my life a lot less hectic. I hope I can repay you sometime.

Can’t wait to read your letters. We love you all. Lataun and family