Call it a clan, call it a network, call it a tribe, call it a family. Whatever you call it, whoever you are, you need one.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Tagg-o Wagg-o Fam

Well just to let you all know I had no idea what to put into this newsletter, but here goes. As everyone should probably know by now we are finally preganant. Darci has pretty much told everyone the story of how it worked and what the process was but to let you all know she was LYING!!!! I am here to now tell the TRUTH!!!
As we started insemenation I was intrigued of the process. After I had seen the process done for two months I realized that I could do exactly what the doctor had been doing for the last two months. On month three I walked into the doctors office with a mission in mind. I was going to do it myself. As Nike states: Just Do It. So I realized I couldn't walk out of the office with all of the pieces at once so I had to "Shawshank Redemption" it. The third month I took a syringe, the fourth month I took a Tinackulume...??? I was only one piece away and had two tries to get my hands on it. All it was was the plastic cathyder. I eyed one on the counter-top but I knew that the doctors were on to me so I couldn't just grab one. As it turns out I failed to get the cathyder, but me being all wise and intellegent just drove to the nearest Wendy's and purchased a Large #2 and there was the final piece, a plastic straw. So when month 5 came rather than going to the doctors office I took matters into my own hands and "Wa Lah" we are expecting our first child.

We are both very excited to start the next chapter of our lives. We are scared and nervous and still can't believe it but here in about 7 months it will probably finally hit us and we will be like "deer in the headlights". "Thats an idiom Haddi!!! We are thankful for all of the support that we have received from everyone and the excitement that everyone has shared with us. Darci hasn't really been very sick yet and I hope she doesn't. We are very fortunant and very thankful for this blessing and miracle.

We miss Mom but are very thankful that she has been able to spend time with Grandpa. We think about and pray for him each and everyday and want him to know how much we love him.

Counting Down The Days To Anaconda...... I mean the birth of our child
Tagg & Darci

Apparently, Tagg felt like he needed to tell the family that he was the reason that I got pregnant. But, truth be known, that our Dr. probably just got tired of seeing us month after month, that maybe he slipped a few of his own "sample" into the syringe. All I know is two things: 1. I'm pregant and 2. if this baby is born with orangish/red hair, I'll be looking for a new Dr. :o) Hope everyone is doing well, we miss you all! Thanks again for all of the support, we so appreciate it. Looking forward to Spring! Love, Darc

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