Call it a clan, call it a network, call it a tribe, call it a family. Whatever you call it, whoever you are, you need one.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008


Hello Family,

Snow, snow, snow and more snow, we are tired of the snow and ready for Spring here in Utah. Logan and John are itching to go golfing. The conventional life of the Herring's is sports. The kids have been busy in basketball. I was the head coach for Logan's competitive team and the assistant for Kimbri's team. It has been a lot of fun. Josh decided to try basketball this year as well and he absolutely loves it, he announced the other day that he wants to be a professional basketball player. Jack is the busiest kid I have ever seen. He's also the biggest tease I've ever seen in someone his age. He's 1 which is amazing to me that time has passed that quickly. Did I mention he talks in his sleep already? It's crazy.

We've been trying to get out and do family activities between sports which is easier said than done. Kimbri went skiing for the first time with her class and loved it. John and Logan went up skiing for career day. We also took the kids tubing up in Park City and Ice Skating in Salt Lake. We have a great sledding hill in our community that the kids take advantage of as well. Probably the most memorable thing I can think of was gathering around the TV together watching the Superbowl as the Giants beat......oh, I can't remember the name of the other team. Tagg, you follow the NFL could you help out with that one????? :)

Kids are doing great in school. Logan's goal is to keep his 4.0 through highschool. He is pretty determined and successful thus far. Kimbri has straight A's as well and Josh gets good marks in everything, they don't give him letter grades yet. He's an excellent reader just claims to hate doing it. He always seems to have better things to do, imagine that.

It's birthday bonanza around our place. I just turned the big 37, Jack is going to be 1, Kimbri is going to be 11, and Logan 13. Can you believe that we're going to have a teenager in the house? Crazy. He is a great kid and into texting all day long. It's fun to watch them grow, as you all can relate. (not so fun listening to him talking about girls with his friends) Not ready for that part yet.

John and I are starring in a podcast online for Xango for their big Xango awards on February 25. It was a lot of fun to shoot so of course we will be famous now. Mom already requested the first autograph. We'll be sure to remember the little people out there. HA! John has been traveling to Florida, Colorado and is headed out East for 2 weeks for work in March. He'll get to enjoy time with his mom while he is out there as well. That about sums things up. Same ole, same ole.

The Herring Family

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