Call it a clan, call it a network, call it a tribe, call it a family. Whatever you call it, whoever you are, you need one.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008


Hello All! The Kunz’s are not quite sure where the month of February went. We must have been busy because I thought it was still January. We are getting ready for our Elder’s Quorum Pine Wood Derby and so if you find little dustings of wood in your letter it is from the Hummer Eric has been designing for his car. And Waklee and I plan to do a Chic car too. We are trying to be creative but haven’t come up with anything yet. We will be sure to let you know how it goes. I joined a book club in the fall time and so I have found a new passion for good literature. With all the books I have read I can’t believe that I didn’t know about all those other good books out there. I have been reading some amazing literature that keeps my mind going. This has been my busiest time yet with the apartments and am anxiously awaiting for it to slow down again. Waklee my overachiever is doing very well in school. If you ask her what grade she is in she will tell, very innocently because she is just being her matter of fact self, that she is in kindergarten but in first grade reading and first grade math. We are very proud of her but sometimes wonder being new parents if we are doing the right thing, do those doubts ever go away? And so the story goes last week she was invited to join an accelerated math class that would require us to have her to school by eight which you should know that is early for me. I left it up to Waklee if she wanted to go to bed earlier and get up earlier and she said she did. When I told her about the class her eyes lit up. She is being very challenged which is how we learn the most. Reese continues to amaze me with all the things that she doesn’t do and amazes me with all the things that she does do. By this I mean Reese does not talk. I don’t even know if she can. She only has to grunt and she has three servants at her beck and call. But Reese is very very observant. Just today she got out of the van and noticed it being parked close to our car and so she reached up to try and push my mirror in which is something I do everytime I get out of the car. Oh how they watch. A few weeks ago my printer wouldn’t work and I seriously took my fist to it and just pounded and pounded and pounded and pounded again I was so mad and then the next day I wonder why is Reese beating her fist on the wall in anger. Reese is also trying to potty train herself. She has observed other females in her house and so she thought she should be doing this too. But tonight Reese had a rude awakening. For the first time in her 22 months of life her Mom put her foot down. Reese continues to get out of her bed and it doesn’t help that she could climb out of her crib at what 9 months and so Reese has done what I said my kids would never do….she gets out of bed and comes to mine and she STAYS. This bad terrible habit has turned into Reese falling asleep in my bed. And so tonight I said No More! We locked her in her room and she screamed, yes Reese has a temper, and she pounded her fist on the door (wonder where she learned that from) until Waklee couldn’t take it and brought her to me. Then started round 2, 3, 4, which in round 4 Eric said he felt so bad for her that his eyes teared up (no joking) and round 5 which resulted with me kneeling on the floor to a baby who had cried so hard she was in stuttering phase. But she did fall asleep in her bed. We are enjoying our lovely Oregon. Today I took Waklee to the park to work on our t-ball skills, can’t let any boys be any better than her and I came home and talked to two of Eric’s siblings who said they had been out sledding, oh yah forgot you still have a few more months of that. So sorry. And to end Eric has part one of national boards coming up and so we hold our breath each time we hear the word national but would love if you could keep him in your prayers. Love You All- The Kunz’s.

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