Call it a clan, call it a network, call it a tribe, call it a family. Whatever you call it, whoever you are, you need one.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Chad's Girl Tribe

Dear Family,

Since the last newsletter, my birthday came and went and none of my siblings sent me any gifts. Christmas time was the hustle and bustle but overall it was quite enjoyable. We’ve had a lot of snow days and cold days (6 so far) and it’s been nice to call Lex and Tagg and see what they were up to those days. Tomorrow at 10:15 a.m., I find out if I’m fired or not. I get the chance to go before the school board and superintendent and they get to tell me if I have a job or not. Work continues to be challenging and if it doesn’t get better, I’m going to have to find a new career. I’m looking forward to March Madness. Since Christmas Break, a day hasn’t gone by that someone in my family hasn’t been sick. Between Indee’s earaches and Sicilee always crying and Lataun’s sinus infection, I should have gone into medicine. I had to refill my propane tank after only six weeks of heat. I am thankful to Lex for helping me out and hooking me up with some electric heaters. The snow in my backyard is up to the top of my trampoline. Sicilee had the chance to sing in the temple dedication ceremony and we thought it would be pretty important to attend. She went in the night before to a required rehearsal in Rexburg. The next day all roads were closed out of the valley. So Lataun did some investigative work and found a back road we could go through. I told her I didn’t feel good about it. That feeling was justified as we were sliding backwards down a ravine with no control. Ultimately, we made it and it was pretty awesome. Lataun went skiing the other day with the girls. Sis is snowboarding this year. Jr. Jazz started up and I volunteered to coach Haddi’s team. Sis’s group didn’t have enough coaches this year, so I am coaching both age groups. I have hope that my girls with have some athleticism and skills. After every practice, Lataun tells me everything that I should do. I tell her she should be the coach, but she won’t cause she’s scared. I’ve tried to stay in contact with mom but everytime I call the lines busy because she’s probably talking with dad. Lataun continues to refuse to answer the phone when I call. I’m looking forward to March Madness. Hopefully it will help me keep my sanity, before I slap some kid across the head. I’m finishing up my grand finale of school. I’ll have my educational specialist degree. I’m looking forward to having a summer with no school to go to in a long time (7 years).

Love, Chad and girls

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