Call it a clan, call it a network, call it a tribe, call it a family. Whatever you call it, whoever you are, you need one.

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Chad N' Family

Dear Family,

It was nice to see you all at the reunion. I’m glad we only do it every other year. Hopefully, I don’t see too much of you for another 24 months.

I finished up two classes this summer. I lack 4 to complete my Educational Specialist degree.

Lataun has been busy being primary president, keeping the kids busy, assuring our landscaping gets done, by telling me what to do, not by helping out. I’m pretty sure she has yet to have a shovel or a rake in her hands. She’s also been complaining that we never get anything done around the house, yet she continually makes plans for us to play around.

Mia started walking and whines like a cat on its death bed in an attempt to articulate what she wants. Up to this point she only has one whine, and it means everything. It reminds me of the days of working with Grandpa Jerry, trying to read his mind so you don’t get yelled at.

Sicilee is a nice girl and we like her a lot even though she has taken on some of Grandpa Jack’s traits and continually pesters her little sisters. We’re never quit sure who is guilty when Sicilee is involved. She impressed us jumping, diving, flipping off cliffs at Lake Powell. She got pretty handy on the knee board, actually catching a little (a little little) air and doing 360’s. She spent all summer doing jobs and saving her money for an MP3 player which is due in the mail any day now. Sicilee competed in a state track meet and finished 3rd in the softball throw.

Indee has been the first one up all summer and is always willing to do a job. She’s finally overcome her fear of water. She has mastered standing up on the tube with no hands behind the boat. She is always playing Barbies. She has grown up a lot this summer. She can still make Mia scream with fear, if she gets too close to her. Indee also surprised us by jumping off cliffs at Lake Powell.

Haddi still likes to curl up on my lap and snuggle. She is good to Mia. Taking her for walks every evening to see the neighbor’s dog. Haddi is addicted to Hannah Montana. She likes to watch TV. We have to limit her. We would like to thank Mom and Dad and Tagg and Darci for supporting Haddi in her choice to be baptized. It was the first time I’ve felt the spirit in about 15 years. Haddi is a happy go lucky girl. Always ready for whatever.

We just got done with a great weekend with mom and dad. We four-wheeled into Pack Saddle Lake and up and around horseshoe canyon. You should see mom climb steep hills covered with loose, shale rock as dad slams into her in an attempt to aid her up the hill. You’d be impressed with her skills.

Our highlights for the summer included Island Park, especially Penny trying to talk as she blubbered her whole way through grandpa’s tribute and Lex getting fried the first day…sunscreen really does work if you know how to use it.(see instructions on the bottle). Penny getting fired up at Eric trying to beat Lataun at Dr. Mario (“just tuck it under”). Lake Powell was another highlight despite mom’s fear of all of us being hospitalized for heat stroke and never being able to walk again because of 3rd degree burns on our feet from walking on the sand. My highlight was beating Logan in a hot buffalo wing eating challenge and watching John try to talk while beads of sweat ran down his face (in an air conditioned restaurant) “It’s….it’s….out….side”.

We are adjusting to the culture of Teton Valley by taking a gunny sacks to the grocery store, bathing only once a week, hiking mountains, eating granola bars, and bidding on Subaru’s in Texas on Ebay, grandpa here we come. It’s been fun to have company all summer. Come see us and we’ll show you a tree-huggin’ good time.
